I have the constant desire to find another image or metaphor to explain the dorsal/ventral relationship.

The “dorsal” surfaces of these buildings are the roofs and walls. The “ventral” portion is the foundation and ground. Be silly with me for a minute and imagine that the buildings have “feelings.” If well built, they generally would not “feel” much except sturdy and secure. They would notice wind, rain, and snow… and some sense of weight (but not strain). The foundation would sense the most weight, the roof hardly any… especially on the curved roof.

So you should endeavor to shed the weight you feel on your neck or shoulders. Move it down to the hips and toward the ventral side of the body. If you feel it at the hips, try to shed it toward the groin, then to the back of the legs, and finally completely to the bottom of the feet and ground. If and when you are working on some of the imagery exercises here and you experience lightness on the entire dorsal surface an weight on the ventral surface… don’t think of it as weird.

Think of yourself as well built. Think of it as right to feel this way… and not something to be embarrassed or shy or doubtful about feeling or showing. A building can remain graceful and stately even as it ages, develops some leaks… and other troubles.

I must want to build again.


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