We use imagery whether we try to or not. Our unconscious images, which you might call our “self-images,” make up our attitude, our holding patterns, our postural habits. Every movement we make is colored by those attitudes, holding patterns, or self-images… and it appears that the only way to change those habitual patterns is by changing the images, by one means or another.
The most basic principle of Posture Release Imagery concerns the ideal relationship between the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the body. Below I have an illustration of the yin/yang symbol (the Chinese symbol of the forces of the universe). Above it, I have my depiction of the most appropriate general response to these yin/yang forces of the universe. If you have played with the imagery on this site, the symbol might make sense. It has to do with the ideal relationship between the dorsal and ventral surfaces of our body. (In addition, I think that it essentially depicts the ideal Christian or, perhaps, Judeo/Christian response to life’s forces).
So, if you haven’t already done so, search around this site, attempt a couple of image exercises, and get right with the universe!