Many of us are aware (or vaguely suspect) that habit causes us neck, shoulder, back, or lower back pain, for instance. We have moved beyond blaming all of our pain on slipped disks, previous injuries, or “bad” knees, ankles, hips, or whatever. I am sure that sometimes these explanations are accurate, but not very often.

So we are now willing to “take some responsibility” for our pain… and our habits. But what exactly is the habit? Is it the way I move when standing up, sit down, pick up something, or whatever that causes the problem? Is it the way I do something? Well, yes, but no.

Our habits are not in how we move, but rather in our “pre-movement” dispositions, inclinations, tensions, and flaccidity. That is why most all of the imagery presented here is static in nature. It is not what is called motor imagery. (I can think of only one image that I have developed where movement is necessarily imagined in the imagery exercise. However, if you wish, you can be moving while imaging this generally static imagery.) Habit exists before it is noticeably expressed. Therefore, the imagery is designed to work on our structure, our posture, which is in place whether we are moving significantly or not.

So in any of the images you experiment with, when you sense the image changing your pre- movement/predisposition/posture, feel free to experiment with moving, while still keeping the image in mind.

This website could just as easily be called or However, I’m sure that those names would reduce the number of visitors to my site.


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